Fluid Diaries

Colored ink and watercolor, when applied to paper, stand as some of the most versatile and vibrant mediums for artistic expression. They offer rich hues with a wide range of tones, making them ideal for artists to imbue their work with depth and fluidity.

Regarding the capabilities of these materials, here is a compilation of my expressive artworks triggered by mood swings or day-to-day relationships with the people I know.
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Me, Myself, and I
The Blue Lady
The Blue Lady, Framed
A False Prophet
An Old Friend
An Old Friend, Framed
Her, Framed
A Tall Dark Stranger
A Tall Dark Stranger, Framed
The Grief
The Grief, Framed
The Master
Mama, Framed
High Noon
The Bohemian
The Bohemian, Framed
The Evolution
The Evolution, Framed
The Little Brother
The Childhood
The Clan
The Gypsy Lady
The Gypsy Lady, Framed
The Silence
The Silence, Framed
The North
The North, Framed
The Witch
The Witch, Framed
Thank you for your time!
Fluid Diaries